First ever virtual launch for the all-new RAV4
First ever virtual launch for the all-new RAV4
360 Virtual Video
With the COVID-19 pandemic putting a stop into on-ground events and launches of products. Toyota was faced with a challenge to launch their all-new RAV4 in Malaysia as the country was going through its Movement Control Order (MCO)
DEX was tasked with emulating a launch through a virtual platform where the media and public would be able to participate in a virtual launch to view the all-new RAV4 for the first time in Malaysia.
In order to simulate the experience of an onground launch, we created two phases to allow participants to experience the same feeling as being at a launch and also viewing the car for the first time.
For Phase 1, we created a launch website, where a countdown timer was placed to hide the content from the public. When the countdown ended, visitors could register their details and then be brought into a holding room to wait until it was 10am. Once the time was hit, a button would reveal where users can then proceed to watch the launch video and after the end of it, they would the be brought into the 360 Showroom to view the car for themselves.
For Phase 2, we then created a 360 showroom where we simulated the experience of allowing the visitors to be at a Toyota showroom. Within the showroom, visitors could view the product video, interact with the hotspots to learn more about the car, move around the showroom interactively and ultimately get an immersive 360 experience within the interior of the car too
Within the same day of the opening of the launch website, visitors started to flood into the site where we recorded over a 1,000 registrations just to view the launch and the showroom. Through this, we were able to bring the media and the public together in the same place at a greater scale all in the comfort of their own homes.
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